Friday, September 27, 2013

Logo Critique

The first logo I chose to critique was, a website with funny videos and pictures. They have a very simple logo, which I like. It says the name of there website “break” and has shapes behind the logo like broken pieces of glass or sharp edges like if you were to “break” glass. They have great logo colors in my opinion; the red white and black all go together nicely. There target audience is more towards males I feel with the masculine colors and shapes. I feel as though there logo was successful because of the broken glass look and the colors.

The second logo I chose was Walmart, a grocery store I’m sure you already know of.  Walmart’s logo is also very simple and easy to remember. Their colors look very nice and are almost comforting with the soft curves in the font and the sun looking symbol they use. I feel as though there target audience really points at everyone. I fell as though there logo is successful because its easy to read and easy to remember. 

Thirdly I chose a business everyone is familiar with, Facebook. There logo is VERY simple, and very easy to remember. Like I discussed with Walmart’s logo they use a nice blue color and white and it feels comforting. There logo is very successful in my opinion because it is so easy to remember and can be shrunken down very small and still be recognizable. There target audience is very broad pointing at anyone with access to the Internet. 

Fourthly I chose Rockbrook Camera, a photography/videography retail shop. Their logo has their name and there symbol an “R”. They make the R almost look like a sun, which gives a warm vibe. The symbol is successful because it tells you the full name of the business, is very easy to red because of the whit with black reading, and the R is easy to remember. The target audience looks for people who like photography and organic shapes like their “R”.

Lastly I chose Cabela’s, a hunting and fishing store. After looking into there past logos I saw that they started with a very complicated outdoor looking logo and have now moved to a very simple logo with warm colors and organic font that is easy to read and remember. I feel like they are targeting men more then women. The cursive writing makes the logo easy to remember. 

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